Why All Representation Isn’t Good Representation

By Mariam Ndao

We all know what it is like to look in a mirror. To experience a tangible reflection is often equal to experiencing self-reflection; yet, the mirror of the world is not always a clear one. Representation in the media has been a constant battle for years, and minorities have fought to see themselves in the media, especially when it comes to pop culture. The following article will more closely explore the nuances of representation, and how to be critical of positive and negative representation.

Media representation refers to the way in which a particular group or entity is portrayed in the media.

From Black Panther and Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings by Marvel to Wadjda and Moana by Disney, the world’s familiarity to representation has significantly increased throughout the past through years, but how did this come to be?

How do you achieve representation?

The secret? Spoiler: there is none! The truth is this: not seeing oneself on the screen builds negative stereotypes and enforces the idea that you “are not good enough,” creating a cycle of little to no representation. However, representation is simply a matter of displaying the stories of the people that make up the world. By grasping diverse stories, representation becomes normalized, breaking the vicious cycles.

Is all representation beneficial?

The line between positive and negative representation is one that has been increasingly blurred throughout the years. Many of us are familiar with the racial stereotypes – comedic relief, model minorities, and criminals, all pinpointed to a specific race. These are among a handful of others that we see daily and do not even bat an eye to. Yet, there’s been a constant argument among Netizens for years – if the stereotype itself is not bad, why is it so bad to portray someone that way?  

The same reason stereotypes are bad. Assuming that one group of people all possess one trait and solely displaying that in the media results in ignorance, as people grow to believe that that is normal and all else is not. Furthermore, we should grow to be accepting of all ways of life from all individuals, rather than focusing on one singular path based on demographic.








GenZHER Magazine